

Our Mission

To create a seamless pipeline for undergraduate students to graduate studies and professional schools in medicine and allied health professions.


Our Vision

To increase the number of underrepresented minorities, educationally disadvantaged, and economically disadvantaged scholars in medical and allied health professional programs.

Entering college can be scary. It’s a completely unfamiliar environment after all. But then, to add your dreams of becoming a doctor, nurse or a health professional on top of it can make it that much scarier. That is why the Urban Health Fellows (UHF) Program exists. We serve incoming freshmen and sophomores interested in becoming health professionals, and we are here to make your transition from high school to college seamless.


By participating in UHF, Fellows benefit from the following: 

  • Mentorship
  • Academic Advising
  • In-house Tutoring
  • Health Professions Seminars
  • ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes)
  • Internships
  • Professional Development
  • Networking
  • Social Events
  • Community Outreach