New Anatomy Lab coming soon!
Our CSU Anatomy Lab has long been a point of pride, attracting health, wellness, and medicine preparatory students seeking a hands-on, full-dissection learning experience.
However, with the original HVAC system aging, it was time to seek a new home for this important hands-on educational experience for our health and pre-professional students. State funding was secured to renovate an existing space on campus, and after much consideration, our College of Health building was selected. Construction began after Commencement in December.
The new anatomy lab will join other state-of-the art learning facilities already in the College of Health building, including a Speech and Hearing Clinic that serves the community, nursing resource labs, obstetrics and pediatric nursing simulation suites, occupational and physical therapy labs, and a nursing physical assessment lab.
Due to the classroom spaces being displaced by the Anatomy Lab project, the Voice and Swallowing lab and classroom will also get a newly renovated home. In this lab students preparing for the Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) profession experience the advanced FEES method of scoping, where a camera is inserted through the nose so that a clinician can view the vocal folds and swallowing mechanisms to diagnose problems.
Construction has been underway since mid-December on both the 3rd floor new Anatomy Lab space and the 2nd floor replacement classroom and offices. There are still active classrooms and offices on all floors of the building, however. CSU students, employees, and visitors are reminded to stay out of the restricted construction areas for safety. The majority of construction is expected to be completed in May with perhaps a few final touches over the summer. By Fall 2025, our students will be enjoying the renovated spaces for their classes.
Mailing Address
Cleveland State University
College of Health
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Campus Location
Center for Innovation in Medical Professions
2112 Euclid Avenue
Phone: (216) 875-9830
Website Content Contact
Phone: (216) 875-9830