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Jari Holland Buck, M.A., GPAC is a Patient Advocacy Educator with 20+ years’ experience in service, community, government, financial, retail and technology corporations. She was honored to act as a patient advocate for her husband during an eight-month hospitalization in four facilities, six months of which were spent on full life support. He survived, against catastrophic odds, and his healthcare providers accepted her as a valuable partner on his team.
- Authored, self-published and ultimately, published in 2007 by Llewellyn Worldwide, Hospital Stay Handbook: A Guide to Becoming a Patient Advocate for Your LovedOnes. Launched a national book tour, hosted a health advocacy podcast for 18 months, granted 100+ radio interviews, as recently as July 9, 2011. Book recognized as the Winner in the “Health Fitness for Family” category of Parent-to-Parent Adding Wisdom Award and a Finalist in the “Health” category of Fresh Voices Book Awards.
- Co-launched national task force to establish uniform credentialing requirements for the field of Patient Advocacy, accommodating current and informing future educational institutions and programs.
- Designed and escorted governance rulings to consensus for national task force, ahead of need.
- Served as Associate Program Director and Graduate Faculty for The University of Toledo Graduate Patient Advocacy Certificate for two (2) years.
- Selected as a member of the 2012 President’s Council - National Patient Advocate Foundation.
- Recognized by the Institute for Healthcare Improvements with a full scholarship to attend the 22nd Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care as one of fifty patient activists.
- Guided development of the University of Toledo Medical Center’s Patient Advocacy Certificate program and Hospital Stay Handbook used as textbook.
- Authored four (4) of eight (8) courses for University of Miami’s Patient Advocacy test preparation program.
- Invited keynote speaker for 2013 American Association of Colleges Osteopathic Medicine Annual Conference.
- Appointed Advisory Board member – University of Kansas Medical Center Otolaryngology.
- Acknowledged as a contributing author in the fight for patient data by Regina Holliday in Give Us Our Damned Data.
Launched Learning Management System (LMS) for the Specialty Equipment Manufacturing Association (SEMA) national trade association, allowing them to deliver “any time, any place, any pace“ education to 7000+ nationally dispersed member companies.
- Led recruitment activities and conceptualized / executed remote training center that provided position-based training to 6,000 employees over six-months for a 30-store new market start-up.
- Planned a multi-location Computer Based Training pilot, secured funding and installed units and programs in 210 stores.
- Co-created / delivered a three-week program for the Department of Veteran AffairsNational Training Center, preparing hundreds of high potential candidates and their mentors for future key positions. Ensured consistency / compliance through formal performance appraisal process.
- Co-founded citywide Welder's Summit that included 20+ manufacturing employers representing more than 300 available welding positions that led to long and short-range solutions for the national welder shortage and established aggressive welder's pay / training programs in-house.