Health Sciences and Human Performance Department
Campus Location
Health Sciences and Human Performance
2485 Euclid Avenue
Julka Hall Suite 164
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: (216) 687-4870
Fax: (216) 687-3746
Health Sciences and Human Performance Faculty and Staff
Bios and Contact Information below, please click the links.
Allensworth-Davies, Don; PhD, MSc, CPH, Associate Professor
Ausherman, Judy; Ed.D; Professor
Crawley, Manuella; PhD., CHES®; College Lecturer
DeMarco, Joanna; DHSc, CHES®; Department Chair, Clinical Associate Professor
Hammonds, Mike; Ph.D.; Asscoiate Professor
Kullman, Emily; Ph.D., CSCS, NSCA-CPT; Associate Professor
Lammers, Andrew; Ph.D.; Associate Professor
Pesek, Todd; M.D.; Associate Professor
Sos, Tammy; Ph.D., ACSM-EP, CIFT; Visiting Professor
Su, Anne; Ph.D.; Associate Professor
Wadja, Doug; Ph.D; Assistant Professor
Walsh, Colleen; Ph.D.; Associate Professor
Mason, Paula - Administrative Coordinator
Judith (Judy) Ausherman, Ed.D.
![]() Dr. Ausherman is a member of the faculty senate and serves on the university's budget and finance committee, eLearning, and Student Life Committees. Dr. Ausherman joined the CSU faculty in 1993 and is a Professor of the newly formed Department of Health Science & Health and Human Performance in the College of Health. Before CSU 2.0, she was the coordinator of the School Health Education licensure program in the College of Education and Human Services from 1993 to 2020 in the College of Education and Human Services. She has also developed online courses that have been approved by Quality Matters. Dr. Ausherman has served on national committees, published in various peer-reviewed journals, and made over 60 international, national, state, and local presentations. Her scholarship focuses on critical thinking, health literacy, positive death, and promoting health and healthy living education. She received a Cleveland Municipal School District Community Partner Award in 2016 and 2017, is a member of the CMSD Wellness Committee, and is a past member of the Museum of Natural History Health Advisory Board, formally known as HealthSpace Cleveland. She is also a Master Gardener for Cuyahoga County in the Ohio State University Extension program and the Dahalia Society. She earned her Ed.D. in Health Education with a minor in Public Health from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Dr. Ausherman earned her M.A. in Health Education and her B.S. in Health and Physical Education from East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina. She enjoys growing dahlias, herbs, and vegetables, swimming at the CSU pool, and volunteering on the CSU rooftop garden. |
Don Allenworth-Davies, Ph.D, MSc, CPH
![]() Don Allensworth-Davies is an Associate Professor with the Department of Health Sciences and Human Performance at Cleveland State University and CSU Program Coordinator for the Consortium of Eastern Ohio Master’s in Public Health Program. He holds an MSc in Epidemiology and a PhD in Health Services Research from the Boston University School of Public Health and is Certified in Public Health by the National Board of Public Health Examiners. Don's research interests include health disparities among LGBT elders and GBT prostate cancer survivors. |
Douglas Wajda, M.S, Ph.D
![]() Dr. Douglas Wajda is an Assistant Professor and member of the Health Sciences and Human Performance Department in the College of Health at CSU. He earned his Ph.D. in Kinesiology from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Wajda teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in the exercise science program including, Kinesiology, Motor Learning, Biomechanics and Exercise testing. |
Emily Kullman, M.Ed, Ph.D
![]() Dr. Kullman is faculty in CSUs Department of Health Sciences and Human Performance where she teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses in Exercise Science. She has been involved in research spanning several disciplines within the realm of exercise physiology, including spaceflight, muscle physiology, sports performance, exercise and cancer, obesity, nutrition and metabolism. Her future research interests include: 1. The role of exercise on cancer prevention, treatment, and recovery; 2. Exercise immunology; 3. Alternative treatments for obesity; 4. Sports performance. |
Manuella Crawley, PhD, CHES
![]() Dr. Crawley is a College Lecturer at Cleveland State University. She graduated from Kent State University with a PhD in Health Education and Health Promotion. Her previous degrees include a Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology, a Masters in Education in exercise science and a Masters in Education in Health education and Health Promotion. This unique academic background is the basis for research interests in childhood obesity, social support, physical activity, dietary behaviors and academic achievement among school aged children, adolescents and young adults as well as health coaching. |
Joanna DeMarco, DHSc, CHES
![]() Dr. DeMarco is the Chair of the Health Sciences and Human Performance department. Her research interests include health literacy, interprofessional education and the development of adaptive and inclusive sports programs. Her diverse background in health care has allowed her to bring many new programs and opportunities to the Health Sciences major including a health promotion track and coursework in Health Coaching. Dr. DeMarco often hosts large inclusive events on campus throughout the year to connect students with special populations. Students interested in these areas are welcome to reach out to inquire about opportunities to get involved. |
Mike Hammonds, Ph.D
![]() Associate Professor Hammonds (Neurosciences) currently investigates how rodent auditory systems are affected by the stress of brainstem stimulation (electrophysiology) leading to increases in corticosterone (molecular biology). A long-term goal is to measure dynorphin release in the cochlea after stress followed by remediation. Other techniques include animal handling, anesthetic dosing and administration, stereotaxic neurosurgery, tissue fixation through cardiac perfusion, brain removal and histology. The availability of hands-on and scholarly research opportunities with Dr. Hammonds varies over projects and semesters; he is happy to talk with potential student collaborators. |
Andrew Lammers, Ph.D
![]() Dr. Andrew Lammers received his PhD from Ohio University in 2004, and was then hired at CSU in the Health Sciences and Human Performance department. He teaches human gross anatomy, physiology, and research and writing. His research interests are widespread, studying biomechanics of locomotion in quadrupedal mammals as well as humans. More recently, he began studying the biomechanics and neural control of feeding and swallowing. |
Todd J. Pesek, M.D.
![]() Dr. Pesek is a holistic physician, medical advisor, published scholar, professor, and author who specializes in disease prevention and reversal toward longevity and vital living. Dr. Todd received his medical doctorate from The Ohio State University College of Medicine and the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio, and completed his training in Medicine at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, St. Vincent Charity Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio. |
Tammy Sos, Ph.D, ACSM-EP, CIFT
![]() Dr. Sos is a Visiting Assistant Professor for the Exercise Science program in the Health Sciences and Human Performance department. She graduated with a PhD in Health & Human Performance from Concordia University-Chicago. Her previous degrees include a Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science from Youngstown State University, and a Masters of Arts in Sport and Recreation Management from Kent State University. Her research interests include older adults, stress management, and special populations. Her career in the healthcare and corporate wellness fields has allowed her to combine her practical experience and knowledge with academic knowledge, to further educate students in the Exercise Science and Health Sciences major. Students interested in these areas are welcome to reach out to her for more information. |
Anne Su, Ph.D
![]() Dr. Su’s multidisciplinary background and interests involve the integration of research from engineering (human and animal gait mechanics, joint and tissue biomechanics), the health sciences (anatomy, radiology), anthropology, and paleontology. In particular, Dr. Su’s research focuses on musculoskeletal biomechanics, functional morphology, and human skeletal evolution.
Colleen Walsh, Ph.D
![]() Dr. Walsh received her Ph.D. in Anthropology from Case Western Reserve University. As a medical anthropologist focused on urban health, she conducts mixed methods and ethnographic research on the ways in which urban environments impact health and well-being. She is interested in using research on the social determinants of health to tackle health inequities. Prior to joining CSU, she served as Research Associate at the Prevention Research Center for Healthy Neighborhoods in the CWRU School of Medicine. |
Campus Location
Health Sciences and Human Performance
2485 Euclid Avenue
Julka Hall Suite 164
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: (216) 687-4870
Fax: (216) 687-3746