Online Internship / Practicum Application

Internships and Practicum Experiences 

Students at Cleveland State in the Department of Health Sciences & Human Performance may have opportunities for experiential learning. These are program specific and are indicated below. 


Health Sciences

Undergraduate students may complete an internship as part of their major program. Specific tracks have this as a capstone option or as an elective option. This is taken near the end of the student’s time at CSU and usually the semester before they graduate for 3 credit hours. Students must complete their HSC major core prior to enrolling in their internship. Students interested in this experience should contact Dr. DeMarco. 


Exercise Science

Undergraduate students are required to complete an internship prior to graduating as part of their program requirements. This is taken near the end of the student’s time at CSU (75% of program completed) and is usually the semester before they graduate.  Students must take their professional core with a 2.75 GPA prior to enrolling. Professional core classes include PED/EXS 322, 324/325, 328, 450, 439 and 475. Students should meet with their faculty advisor (Dr. Kullman or Sos) to discuss eligibility for the internship and the process for scheduling. 


Exercise Science Graduate

Students are required to complete a practicum experience as part of their major program. Students must have 22 credits completed including EXS 675, 676 and 677. Students should meet with their advisor, Dr. Wajda, to discuss eligibility for the internship and the process for scheduling. 


Internship/Practicum Process and Timeframe: 
  1. Schedule an appointment with your advisor to declare your intention to complete your internship/practicum. Please be prepared to bring a resume and the names of several places you may be interested in completing this experience with. Students planning to complete their internship or practicum must notify their advisors by the time outlined below to review and begin the process.  

  2. Students will work with their advisor to identify and confirm their site and be enrolled in EXXAT Approve software for compliance. Students will receive an email for this software that will allow them to see and upload evidence of the required documents for their site. While there will be sites with additional requirements, all students must complete: 

    BCI/FBI Background Check/Fingerprinting
    Proof of Liability Insurance 
    CPR/AED/First Aid (exercise science only) 

  3. Students will not be able to progress to the internship without the identification of a site and completion of all requirements. These will be loaded into EXXAT Approve and then shared with the site for verification/approval.  


Internship Term 

Notify Advisor of Intent 

All Documents to be submitted to EXXAT Due 


May 1 

July 1 


September 1 

November 1 


January 15 

April 1 


If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact us at
Health Sciences and Human Performance (HSHP)
Julka Hall 164

Campus Location
Health Sciences and Human Performance
2485 Euclid Avenue
Julka Hall Suite 164
Cleveland, OH 44115
Phone: (216) 687-4870
Fax: (216) 687-3746